In a world where trends come and go, there are individuals who defy the norm and hold on to something timeless. Meet Grace Burger, the proud owner of a 1957 Chevy, who has been driving the same vintage car for an astounding 53 years. In this article, we delve into Grace’s extraordinary journey with her beloved automobile and discover the reasons behind her unwavering dedication to this classic beauty.

The Beginning of a Lifelong Connection

Back in 1957, Grace Burger purchased her iconic 1957 Chevy. Little did she know that it would become the sole car she would ever drive. At the time, she was driving a ’50 Chevy and was advised to sell it due to some mechanical issues. Grace decided it was time for an upgrade, and her sights were set on the King Breger dealership in Milwaukee, where she knew she could find the perfect replacement.

Love at First Sight

The moment Grace laid eyes on the 1957 Chevy, she knew it was the one. Priced at $2,200, it was a demonstrator model, conveniently available just before the ’58s hit the market. Despite not being shown many other cars, Grace’s heart was set on this particular model. It boasted advanced features for its time, such as power brakes, power steering, an eight-cylinder four-barrel carburetor, and a cutting-edge technology called “turbojet” or “turbo Glide,” which eliminated the feeling of shifting gears.

A Timeless Journey

Grace’s decision to keep the 1957 Chevy for over half a century stems from her lack of reasons to give it up. Throughout the years, she encountered no major issues with the car, and its popularity among friends and acquaintances only solidified her attachment. To this day, the car has covered an impressive 116,500 miles, a testament to its enduring performance.

Adventures on the Road

While Grace doesn’t drive the car extensively in her hometown of West Bend, she has embarked on a couple of remarkable road trips. On two separate occasions, she drove her beloved 1957 Chevy to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, covering long distances and making lasting memories. These trips added to the car’s mileage but also reinforced Grace’s bond with her trusted companion.

The Enduring Appeal

People often express surprise upon learning that Grace is the only owner of the 1957 Chevy and has never owned another car. She attributes the car’s longevity to preventive maintenance and her upbringing during the Depression era. Taking care of her possessions and understanding the importance of regular maintenance have played a significant role in preserving the car’s pristine condition.

Preserving the Legacy

Grace emphasizes the necessity of preventive maintenance to ensure the car’s continued performance. She personally ensures the oil is changed every 1,000 miles or even more frequently, given her limited driving nowadays. All fluids and other critical aspects are regularly checked and maintained. Grace’s meticulousness in documenting the car’s routines and requirements is a testament to her commitment to preserving its legacy.

An Ode to Timeless Craftsmanship

In a world where built-in obsolescence is a common practice, Grace Burger’s 1957 Chevy stands as a symbol of durability and craftsmanship. Countless individuals have expressed regret over parting ways with their own ’57 Chevys, showcasing the enduring appeal and nostalgia associated with these classic vehicles. Grace’s steadfast dedication to her car inspires others to appreciate the value of long-lasting quality.


Grace Burger’s unwavering connection with her 1957 Chevy serves as a reminder that some things are worth holding onto. With over five decades of memories etched into its timeless design, this vintage car represents more than just transportation—it embodies an enduring legacy. Grace’s story is a testament to the lasting impact a cherished possession can have on one’s life.