In the 1980s, the Chicago Street Machines, which were later known as the Illiana Street Machines, used to organize picnic parties at The Eggers Grove Forest Preserve, showcasing a wide range of muscle car street machines. Among the events organized, there were street races, where enthusiasts had the opportunity to test the power of their vehicles.

One of such races was between a 68 Chevelle and a GTX, which took place in 1985. The 68 Chevelle, owned by one of the street racing enthusiasts, was an impressive vehicle that attracted a lot of attention. The owner was confident in the power of his vehicle, and he was eager to test it against the GTX in a head-to-head race.

The GTX, on the other hand, was also a remarkable street machine that had a reputation for speed and performance. The owner of the GTX was equally confident in the power of his vehicle and accepted the challenge for the race.

The race took place on a Chicago street, with a large crowd of spectators cheering on the racers. The engines roared, and the cars sped down the street, leaving trails of smoke behind them. The race was intense, with both cars reaching impressive speeds. However, in the end, the 68 Chevelle emerged victorious, with its powerful engine and excellent handling, outpacing the GTX.

The victory of the 68 Chevelle was a testament to the power and performance of the muscle cars of that era. The street racing events organized by the Chicago and Illiana Street Machines provided an excellent opportunity for car enthusiasts to showcase their vehicles and test their capabilities.

In conclusion, the street race between the 68 Chevelle and GTX in 1985 was a memorable event that highlighted the power and performance of muscle cars of the 80s. The victory of the 68 Chevelle was a testament to the excellent engineering and craftsmanship of the era. The Chicago and Illiana Street Machines events provided a platform for car enthusiasts to showcase their vehicles and test their capabilities.