Greg Warner’s Bad-Blown 565ci ’69 Chevelle is a true spectacle for fans of muscle cars. This Midwest Super Stock Mafia member has put in countless hours of hard work and dedication to create a car that is not only powerful but also capable of pulling off an insane 200-foot wheelstand. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this car so special.

The Engine: The Heart of the Beast

At the core of this beast lies the Bad-Blown 565ci engine. This engine is custom-built with high-performance components and a supercharger, resulting in over 1,000 horsepower. This incredible amount of power allows the Chevelle to reach incredible speeds, but it’s also the secret behind the massive wheelstand.

Customization and Modifications

Greg has made several modifications to his ’69 Chevelle to ensure that it can handle the extreme stresses of a wheelstand. These modifications include changes to the suspension, steering, and other components. He has also added safety features such as a roll cage and racing harness to protect himself in case of an accident.

Pulling Off the Insane 200ft Wheelstand

To perform such an incredible feat, Greg had to carefully control the throttle and steering of the Chevelle. He had to ensure that the car stayed pointed straight during the wheelstand, while also avoiding power loss that could cause the car to come crashing down. This level of precision takes years of practice and dedication to perfect, but it paid off at the Byron Wheelstand Weekend.


In conclusion, Greg Warner’s Bad-Blown 565ci ’69 Chevelle is a testament to the skill and dedication required to build a powerful and capable muscle car. This car is not only fast but also engineered to handle the stresses of performing a wheelstand. If you’re a fan of muscle cars, then this is a must-see.